Valerie Quant Zecchetto

Valerie Quant Zecchetto
04 / 20 / 22
"As a mother, my world has shifted—Gia’s needs are now front and center, and I have a new appreciation for life. I’m savoring all of these fleeting moments as our little baby grows so quickly."
Valerie Quant Zecchetto


I’m Valerie, a designer and co-creator of the brand LoQ. I grew up in Southern California, moved to San Francisco for college — where I met my husband — and studied abroad in Spain, where I fell in love with food and travel. Now, 17 years later, we are parents living in Los Angeles.

Gia was born two weeks before Christmas and she has been the greatest gift for our little family. Now at four months old, she’s full of life. Gia loves to be serenaded by daddy and his guitar, dance with me, or be taken on tours of the house and garden. She recently started mimicking our sounds and experimenting with her voice. It’s so fascinating to witness each of her milestones.

As a mother, my world has shifted—Gia’s needs are now front and center, and I have a new appreciation for life. I’m savoring all of these fleeting moments as our little baby grows so quickly.

The greatest joys of motherhood so far have been the intimate, unconditional bond she and I have, the tenderness during breastfeeding, watching her grow each day, and making her smile. Waking up to see her one day older continues to blow my mind; it's the most fulfilling feeling.

Every day is a totally new experience. One day you think you have it all figured out, and the next day it's flipped upside down. Motherhood has changed my need for consistency, and forced me to ease up on expectations.

As a new mother and business owner, I’m working on letting go of the productivity anxiety and pressure to return to normal. I’ve spent the first postpartum months focused on Gia, being patient with myself while I figure out the balance with work. My best advice for other new or expectant mothers is to give yourself time to heal and be patient with your body, call on your partner or family for support so you can rest. 

LoQ has always evolved, as we grow as designers and women. This is another step in that evolution; learning to balance as our lives shift into new chapters. My business partner, Keren, and I have always created shoes for how we want to move through the world; for travel, work and lounging at home — pared back yet unconventional. Our most recent evolution was to expand beyond shoes, with our home goods curation and select glassware designed by us. A new category inspired by my love of selecting ingredients, cooking, and sharing a table with friends.

"Our bodies tell a story of where we have been—our joys marked by smile lines, stretch marks from growth, spots from long days in the sun."


Since my self care time is now more limited, I like to keep my beauty rituals simple. First and foremost, hydration from the inside out. Starting with lots of water throughout the day and lathering oil on my body morning and night. If I could drink the Ritual Serum, I would. It’s hands down my favorite LESSE product; and a few drops feel transformative.

The little things, like taking a warm shower each morning, have become precious in giving me a moment to take inventory of how I’m feeling—and making time for a daily walk, gentle pilates, or dancing at home with Gia give me a midday boost. Our bodies tell a story of where we have been—our joys marked by smile lines, stretch marks from growth, spots from long days in the sun. My pregnancy made me appreciate my body inside and out, each stage making me a stronger person today. I believe beauty is about embracing your body’s journey through life and letting your vibrancy shine from within.

I feel most beautiful when I’m well rested, after a good workout or a sun-kissed day at the beach. I feel most alive when creating new memories with loved ones or sharing a meal with friends; my circle of friends are such a loving, supportive group that always recharge me.

My greatest hope for Gia is that she ventures out into the world and discovers what brings her happiness; that she develops a set of values and a confidence within herself to uplift others and positively contribute to the future of our world. In return, I hope she grows up to live in a world that has a kinder disposition, abundant nature, and a culture that values authentic relationships and rich experiences.


VALERIE QUANT ZECCHETTO, co-founder of LoQ shown with the RITUAL SERUM and wearing shoes she designed. Photographed by JENNIFER WOLF.

Shop Valerie's Favorites'

Ritual Serum

$ 100

Balancing Turmeric & Sea Minerals


Regeneration Mist

$ 58

Barrier-Restoring Mushrooms & Jojoba


Bioactive Mask

$ 90

Purifying Charcoal & Rare Flame Tree
