Moon Lists

Tender Concepts

Collage of Moon List Images.

For those in search of tenderness, a curation of ideas inspired by our Essential Moisturizer and compiled by Leigh Patterson, founder of Moon Lists.

Collage of Moon List Images.

"I love giving gifts to friends, or rather I love the act of observing something in the world that reminds me of people I care about. To me, the perfect gift is highly specific, and is usually under $20 (or free!) Recently a friend came over and brought a torn-out page from a magazine—a single paragraph circled that she thought I’d appreciate. In another instance I arrived to meet a friend for dinner and she came to the restaurant wielding a peppercorn branch she’d clipped along her walk. To reciprocate, upon returning from a trip to Santa Fe, I tucked a bag of homemade farmer’s market corn tortillas into my carry-on for someone who has fed me tacos many times and whom I knew would appreciate the blue corn masa."


Bowl of Beans

"To me it is not “fall” without making this perfect recipe from Colu Henry, which I have likely cooked 100 times and it never misses. Sometimes I add a handful of greens, but usually I just make as is and eat with a slice of bread."

Excerpt from Moon Lists' Substack


"Each month on the Moon Lists' Substack I have been working on creating a list of prompts that feel resonant for the moment—the idea being to just have some outlet for getting outside of your head, having nourishing conversations, and/or deliberately expanding your perspective."

Josef Sudek (Czech, 1896-1976). Advertising photograph for Ladislav Sutnar porcelain set (with black rim), 1932.


"As days have gotten chillier, I’ve been into drinks at room temperature—Korean boricha or Japanese mugicha (barley tea) are traditionally enjoyed in this way, and there’s something about the lack of preciousness around it all (while remaining dedicated to the act of making it) that I find really nice. I like to brew a batch in the morning and then leave it out to sip throughout the day. I enjoy Tekuno’s Kukicha to this end, or I will buy this at my local Japanese grocer."



"An idea: sometimes softness can be found in unlikely opposites. I went to a Japanese spa recently and in the center of the mineraly, steaming soaking tub they’d placed a large granite boulder. I didn’t think anything of it until I was WAY too hot, boiling from the inside out like a lobster. I waded over to rest an arm on the cool stone, which in contrast felt like an ice cube, a cold glass of ice water, a salve hidden in plain sight."


Explore Moon Lists’ new Special Edition Workbook here.

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