Kayla Blackmon

I was born and raised in Inglewood, California. It’s a vibrant community filled with life and culture and I’ve always been proud, to be where I’m from, because of the authenticity of the people. I’m also very close to my family. They are the people who have helped me grow into the person I am now. I’m grounded because of them. Without my family, I don’t know where I would be.
My mom is such a big part of me. She’s the entire reason I am who I am. Even my dad and brother have taught me so much about life and about being a woman, how to protect myself. Losing my older brother was a very pivotal moment in my life. It taught me to live life to the fullest, with no hesitation and with no fear. I know that’s what he would want for me.
I feel most alive in my dreams. My dreams feel like their own reality and I always feel free from myself in that world. I try to put that same energy into my awake life, and it helps! Right now, I’m working on letting go of ego and insecurity. I think the combination of these can be extremely toxic. The crazy thing about it, too, is that it’s all inner problems. I might be battling these my whole life but I know I’ll win the war! I’m trying every day to tap into my truest self and my truest form. Five years from now, I hope to be in a mental space of peace and enjoying the fruits of my labor. I always see myself being busy and staying creative! Maybe a little baby is somewhere in that picture, too!
"Beauty is in laughter, beauty is in vulnerability, beauty is in self-confidence. Sometimes on social media it’s an entire blur of fake beauty and fake everything making you believe that’s the standard. The only standard should be mental health. Beauty is behind the makeup."
I feel most beautiful when I can feel myself shining from the inside. I can feel it— I always think of it as moths being attracted to the light! Beauty is in laughter, beauty is in vulnerability, beauty is in self-confidence. Sometimes on social media it’s an entire blur of fake beauty and fake everything making you believe that’s the standard. The only standard should be mental health. Beauty is behind the makeup.
I’m all about love and communication through art and music. Music was a big part of my upbringing. My parents used to play oldies on Saturday mornings to wake the house up. I remember that always making me feel really good, and now I connect certain songs with that feeling and those memories. So, all in, music has led to my self discovery and it all started with my parents’ love for it.
Now, it’s hard for me to sleep in because my brain is racing with thoughts. Sometimes I’ll wake up at 4am to make a new song or dive into my old, unreleased music and just get lost in it and escape. I always look forward to this because it’s a reset button that reminds me this is all a journey and each day I’m taking 100 steps towards a great future.
I believe all of us are changing and growing. I believe we are living in a time of awakening, that we’re on the right path to change. Always remember that love is the answer.
Follow Kayla here. Photography by Drew Escriva.