Eva Hardwick

I live near the beautiful Border Ranges, a remaining part of the Gondwana Rainforest in Australia. It’s the memories growing up here, times spent with my sisters down at the creek or being silly with one another, who have made me who I am. It’s my family who have shaped me most; their brutal honesty will always keep me grounded.
I would probably describe myself as a genuine and open-minded person. I’m a student with a passion for creating and admiring other people’s creations, and it’s the opportunity to learn something new that motivates me to get out of bed each day. I try to do yoga every morning and finish my day with a workout or walk in the afternoon air. It’s these simple rituals that bookend my days.
Being outdoors and in nature is what makes me feel most alive. I love swimming at local waterholes, the fresh water is invigorating and keeps me connected to nature. I care a lot for the environment and enjoy planting trees on our family farm. I’m also extremely passionate about women’s rights.
If I could pass on some knowledge to my younger self, it would definitely be to stress less—especially about what other people think. Don’t let other people shape your life or the decisions you make because of what you’re afraid they may be thinking.
I am constantly working on letting go of the compulsion to obsess about minor things in life. I’m reminded by the universe to go with the flow and trust that I am where I’m meant to be—and also to trust in myself and be as authentic as possible. By creating space for rituals in my life, I can focus on the present and be more accepting of where I am at any given moment. I try to maintain a positive attitude, always, but also accept that there are times I don’t feel incredible. Now I’m calling in a ‘let my life speak’ approach and manifesting joy, abundance and adventure.
My ultimate dream is to pursue a career doing something I love, which makes use of my passion for creativity—whatever that may be. My greatest hope for humanity is that we can be kind to one another; show compassion and non-judgement, but I am aware the change needs to start with me.
That's my best advice for life: don’t judge, show compassion. You never know what a person’s story is and, through understanding, there is usually a way to find some kind of common ground—or at least agree to disagree
Eva Hardwick photographed by Claudia Smith.